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Rediscovering a Life of Adventure with Jesus

Writer: Chuck AmmonsChuck Ammons

Recently, my church celebrated God’s faithfulness through our first five years together. We’re a toddler ready for school, y’all! As our pastors sat together around a table to reminisce the road we’ve traveled and to lean in and dream about all that lies ahead, we began to talk about how the whole journey has been like going on an adventure with Jesus. One by one, I listened as my friends relayed images about how God has given us exactly what we’ve needed one piece at a time as we have walked with Him.

One saw Jesus outfitting us with a backpack, an empty vessel with ample space to hold all we’d need for the journey ahead. Our journey began by simply making space, a blank canvas for Jesus to speak and for His Spirit to fill with His presence in the unique and distinct ways He longed to move through each of us. The first thing God placed in our ‘backpack’ was a unified mission; a clear and driving passion of all we hoped to experience with Him and through Him.

After this, another one of our pastors saw the image of a compass. When one sets out on a tenuous journey across unknown terrain, a compass is the only thing that can be counted on to point back to true north. We reflected on how, early on, God gripped our hearts with deep conviction to define core values necessary for us to walk in unity and to keep our eyes on Jesus. Each of our 4 core values are displayed on custom-cut decorative metal signs in our Worship Center, but it goes much deeper than that. As we’ve spoken them to each other over and over the past five years, they’ve been etched in our hearts to remind us who we are as a family and to define how we carry God’s love together.

After this, another pastor saw the image of a map. When we stop to listen, God comes as a “lamp upon our feet and a light upon our path” to illumine the next few steps where He desires to take us in this coming season. We remembered how faithful He has been as we have chosen to sit at His feet, doing our best to just follow.

Finally, I shared the image of two energy bars. If you’re going on a true adventure (and not simply a casual leisurely walk), you will need sufficient sustenance, or fuel. I told them I thought two represented carrying enough for you and the next person you’re inviting to join you on the trail. On our adventure, several key rhythms with God and one another have been critical for our wholeness and longevity, including the commitment to intimacy with Him and to community with each other.

As I stepped away from our church celebration, I thought about you and me; about our families and our communities…and I remembered again that this is what Jesus desires with us.

How’s ‘life with Jesus’ for you in this season?

  • A prayer prayed or a decision made that gives hope for eternity, but doesn’t change much in the here and now?

  • A purely personal relationship which gives peace and comfort in times of need, but not a driving and pervasive presence which floods your thoughts and conversations?

  • An ebb and flow of dull and exciting moments that move in an eerily similar rhythms to your external circumstances?

If any of these reflect your current path, that’s okay. But what if I told you that Jesus came to give you abundantly more, and it isn’t based on your circumstance or performance?

“I came so you would have life, and life to its’ fullest!” John 10:10

“You lead me in the path of life. I experience absolute joy in your presence; you always give me sheer delight.” Psalm 16:11

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” Philippians 4:4

(See also Joshua 1:9, Psalm 118:24, Isaiah 40:31, 1 Corinthians 2:9, 2 Corinthians 4:17, Ephesians 2:6-7, and Hebrews 12:1-3).

If you have settled into dull, drab, or ‘duck and cover’ Christianity, just making it through each day, I invite you to breathe deeply and to hear Him whisper, “Let’s go on an Adventure!”

If you’re ready, take these questions into the quiet place with Him with an honest heart, an earnest desire, and an unhurried pace. He will ALWAYS meet us there. I can’t wait to see you out on the trail…and if you’re tired, I’ll have a energy bar waiting for you.


Where is God inviting you to “make space” and clear the noise? What does that look like?

What is the personal mission you sense from Him for your life? Write it in a simple phrase.


What are your core values; the deeply held convictions about how you will walk and what you will build? Ask God for 3 or 4 that will continually point you back to true north.


What are you eager and expectant that God has ahead for you in the next few years?

What barriers or obstacles will you need to address if your expectancy is to be a reality?


What regular rhythms do you need to live an adventure with Jesus? What rhythms with God? For your personal health? For true community? For pursuing your calling with focused and sustained passion?

What one or two things can you adjust this week?



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